Welcome, BTI Alumni and Students!

Please complete the fields below to request a username and password. Your information will be verified by the BTI Office and you will receive a response via email within two business days.

First Name  
Last Name
Email Address
BTI Class # or Grad Year
Choose Your USERNAME
Choose Your PASSWORD

Username and Password must be at least 4 characters in length; numbers and letters only.

Be sure to write down your Username and Password for ongoing reference.

Terms of Use:
I understand that the Alumni Resources section of this website contains information intended for the exclusive use of students and graduates of the Body Therapy Institute (the BTI Community). By my use of the Alumni Forum and/or the BTI Resource Bank, I agree not to share or distribute this information to anyone outside the BTI Community at any time. I understand that BTI may edit or delete the information posted to this section at its discretion. Access to these protected resources may be suspended at the discretion of the school if the Terms of Use are not upheld.

 I have read and agree to uphold these terms.

Changing Your Login or Email Information:
Usernames, passwords and email addresses can only be changed by emailing a request to resource@massage.net. When making a request, please include your current information.