The Role of Nutrition in Neuromuscular & Skeletal Function

with Penny S. Jeffrey, PhD, LMBT

April 26 | Sunday, 9:30am-4:30pm | 6 CE contact hours | $135


(Note schedule change from original date of April 24)

This course will give participants an introduction to the science of nutrition by reviewing classes of nutrients, functions in body systems, and the process of digestion and absorption. The nutrients and roles involved in neuromuscular and skeletal function will be discussed more deeply, as well as self-care and client nutrition education. The majority of formal massage programs only introduce students to small components of nutrition within the context of Anatomy & Physiology. Learning nutrition in a broader and deeper context offers a greater fundamental knowledge of how therapists can support their own health and well-being as well as provide client education.

After completing this course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify nutrient classes, major functions in body systems, and the general process of digestion and absorption of nutrients
  • Define nutrient classes
  • Based on research findings, identify and evaluate  the function of nutrients as they relate to neuromuscular and skeletal function
  • Compare nutrient levels in common food sources
  • Know the North Carolina Dietetics Practice Act for unlicensed persons educating clients about nutrition.

This course will be structured with several teaching strategies to accommodate various learning styles. Teaching strategies include lecturing with support of visual aid such as technology, discussing, analyzing case studies, small group activities, think-pair-share, and reflective writing.


Penny s. Jeffrey, PhDPenny Shumaker Jeffrey is a NC Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist (#1425) and a graduate of the Body Therapy Institute. She holds a masters degree in Nutrition and doctorate in Science Education from North Carolina State University. Her graduate research focused on how adult food behavior and choices are influenced by mass media sources such as print and television. Penny has taught community college and university-level courses in both nutrition and science education.

Her teaching is fully grounded in constructivism, and her passion is being able to guide people to a greater awareness in their bodies while discovering their personal health and well-being goals. Penny is a member of ABMP, AMTA and the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education. She currently serves as a member of the Board of Directors for AFMTE.



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