Massage Quality: The 12 Essential Elements for Success
with Rick Rosen, MA, LMBT
May 11, 2017 | Thursday, 9:30am-5:30pm | 7 CE contact hours | $145
Do you want to learn how to readily and dramatically increase the effectiveness of your work, and the satisfaction of your clients?
Massage Quality is not a modality – it is an optimization system developed by Rick Rosen that highlights the tangible and intangible aspects of a hands-on session that make the experience GREAT for both client and therapist.
This workshop is for massage and bodywork therapists at all levels of experience – whether you’re a recent massage school graduate or a seasoned practitioner.
Over his four-decade career in the profession, Rick has identified the key attributes and actions that produce optimal results – and has also noted what makes for a really bad massage! This body of knowledge was a core component of the Massage Therapy Diploma Program at BTI. And through 33 years of training students in an entry-level curriculum, the BTI classroom served as an ideal learning laboratory to explore and refine what produces the best outcomes in a therapeutic session.
Rick has distilled these time-tested practices into a set of 12 Essential Elements for Success, which address the technical, qualitative, environmental and relational components of the massage experience.
The workshop will focus on these Essential Elements, and will also introduce you to a new assessment tool: the Massage Quality Evaluation Scale. This tool covers 25 different aspects, and provides a scoring rubric to objectively rate the quality and effectiveness of any massage or bodywork session.
The mission of Massage Quality is Making Massage Better for Clients and Therapists. Bring the wisdom of these Essential Elements into your own treatment rooms and classrooms – and be amazed at the difference they make!
Rick Rosen is the founder and co-director of the Body Therapy Institute, as well as a trailblazer and leader in the massage therapy profession. Over his 38 years in the field, he has worked as a therapist, clinic director, teacher, school administrator, state massage board chair, and was co-founder and first Executive Director for both the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards, and the Alliance for Massage Therapy Education.
He is a NC Licensed Massage and Bodywork Therapist (License #1), a 2009 inductee into the Massage Therapy Hall of Fame, and a 2011 recipient of AMTA’s National President’s Award in recognition of his contribution to the profession. Rick has a master’s degree in humanistic psychology from West Georgia College, and a bachelor’s degree in advertising from the University of Florida.
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