Massage Therapy, Research and Integrative Medicine

with Adam Perlman, MD, MPH, Teresa Keever, RN, and Kim Turk, LMBT

March 18, 2016 | Friday, 9:30am-5:30pm | 7 CE contact hours | $145


duke-im-signBTI is excited to again collaborate with leading clinicians and researchers from Duke Integrative Medicine to help members of the massage therapy community gain the knowledge and skills to participate in research and to collaborate with other health care providers in interdisciplinary settings. Join Dr. Adam Perlman and his staff for a one-day intensive introduction to the world of research as it applies to the field of massage therapy. Learn how a world-class integrative medicine center is organized, and how massage therapy has been incorporated into their holistic model of patient care.

Dr. Perlman is a strong advocate of massage therapy, and is the recipient of an R01 Research Grant funded by the National Institute of Health to continue his research on massage therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee. This NIH study, the largest one of its kind being funded the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, is entitled EMBARK: Exploring Massage Benefits in Arthritis of the Knee. It seeks to assess the value of Swedish massage in decreasing pain and improving function for adults with osteoarthritis of the knee.

This workshop will give you:

  • Awareness of the role Integrative Medicine is playing in our evolving healthcare system
  • An understanding of the structure, purpose and basic terminology of a research study
  • Protocols for how to work within a research team to ensure consistent methodology and usable results
  • Strategies for collaborating with doctors and other health care providers in a wide range of treatment environments


NOTE: This workshop meets the research education requirement for renewal of the NCBTMB Board Certification credential.


perlman_adamAdam Perlman is the Executive Director of Duke Integrative Medicine, an Integrative Medicine Physician, and Associate Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Duke University. Prior, he was Executive Director of the Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine and associate professor of medicine within the School of Health Related Professions at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. He earned both his medical degree and a master’s in public health from Boston University. His scholarly activities include numerous research grants and publications. In 2010, Dr. Perlman became chair for the Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine, an organization comprised of 50 leading academic medical centers around the country with integrative medical programs.


keever_teresa2Teresa Keever is the Clinical Research Coordinator at Duke Integrative Medicine. She is a Registered Nurse with a bachelor’s degree in nursing from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Meredith College in Raleigh, NC. She is the Coordinator for Dr. Perlman’s NIH-funded study on massage and osteoarthritis. Teresa has worked in research for more than ten years, and previously worked as a Labor and Delivery nurse and higher education administrator. Teresa believes in the holistic model of healthcare, and seeks to help further our understanding and knowledge of integrative medicine through research.



turk_kimKim Turk is the Massage Therapy Coordinator for both Duke Integrative Medicine and Duke Health & Fitness Center. She is a 1998 graduate of the Body Therapy Institute and a NC Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist (#2568). She has worked in various hospital settings and private practice, and is participating in Dr. Perlman’s EMBARK study. Kim has a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Midwestern State University (Wichita Falls, TX), serves on BTI’s Program Advisory Committee, and is on an Advisory Panel for AMTA to help bring massage therapy into medical settings.



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